our wedding Adini
November 11, 2006 Adima Cope and Roshini Nibbs

Adima came home to Missouri for the holidays as usual and the couple spent all their time together.

December 25, 2004 ~ The Proposal
They had plans to have Christmas dinner at a friend’s home and spent the better part of the night there talking. They returned to Roshini's apartment late and she was exhausted. Honestly she wanted Adima to leave so she could go to sleep but he blurted out “Wanna see my presents” . Roshini was thinking 'No, go home' but said "yes" being gracious and Adima proceeded to pull out a box with shirts and ties etc.. Roshini was still thinking “This is great babe…now go home” *yawn*.

Once Adima was done Roshini said playfully “Wanna see what I got for Christmas?” then she held out both hands palm up and said “NUDDIN”. She quickly retracted giving thanks for all the company she had over the holidays (it's extremely hard living hundreds of miles from all family).

Adima blurted out again “I got you something!”.

Now Roshini was annoyed because they said they wouldn’t get each other gifts because money was tight on both sides. Adima then told Roshini to close her eyes. She does and stands there for a minute wondering what he is doing. This part will be in dialogue form:

Adima: Open your eyes
(Roshini opened her eyes to Adima on one knee with a ring box open and a ring pressed up toward her)

Roshini: WHAT THE HECK IS THAT!!!!??????
(Roshini runs away and hides behind a wall. She peeks out and he is, to her amazement, actually kneeling with a ring like she thought she had seen )

Adima: Are you gonna come back?

Roshini: No…what is happening? What are you doing….Oh My God!
(Roshini starts crying)

::: end dialogue :::

Roshini sat on the staircase sobbing and Adima came over to sit next to her. Roshini was no longer thinking clearly and had totally forgotten that she was tired. The talked for about 5 minutes and Adima said “You never answered me”. Roshini responded “Well…technically you never got to ask me ‘cause I ran away remember.”

So with that Adima knelt and asked “Roshini will you marry me?”. And Roshini said “yes”.

April 1, 2006 ~ The "Re-proposal"
by Roshini

On Saturday April 1st, Adima presented me with a new engagement/wedding ring.

On Friday night Adima told me he was coming over to my apartment early on Saturday to hang out and use my computer. Although it was strange for him to want to come over early I thought nothing of it.

The next morning he shows up about 10:30 AM and shortly afterward I went to get my nails done and left him at the apartment. I hadn't had a manicure or pedicure in months and I was happy to go get my nails done. When I got home I was wondering why Adima's car wasn't in the parking lot. He told me he'd just hang out at my place until I got back....hmmm.....

When I opened the door I saw rose petals on the stairs like so:

So I get to the top of the stairs and I see a rose in my plant holder. I called out for Adima but he didn't answer..... hmmm...

There was a wine canister, a rose and a note. The note on the canister said "To My Beloved Roshini Natasha Nibbs".

When I opened the canister there was a note wrapped in ribbons that said:

Your regal presense is required this evening.
Your attire for this evening has been pre-selected.
Your host requires the following items for the evening:
- Phone
- Camera
- Beautiful Smile
The evening's events will commence promptly at 5:30. You will
receive further instruction via telephone at 5:20 pm.

Needless to say I was shocked and excited!!! I knew I was getting my ring by then but I hadn't expected all this.
When I turned the corner I saw this outfit hanging in my hallway:

I wore this to his brother's wedding and Adima put the whole together then and bought the jewelry. He switched the shoes to my wedding shoes instead since they matched. Everything was hanging included purse and jewelry....wow...what a man :).

Here I am practicing my big ole smile

So after this I called my mother and tried to pick her mouth but she knew nothing. Then I called Deepthi and she didn't know anything either so I decided to just get ready. I practiced some wedding makeup, shaved my legs and fixed my hair even better.

At 5:15 I called my mother back to let her know my makeup was the biz-zomb but she told me to get off her phone...hater *ha*.

At 5:20 my phone rang and Quiana, Adima's sister, told me to look in the back of my icebox. I dug and dug but found nothing. I looked in the freezer, looked in the fridge, back in the freezer, back in the fridge and I couldn't find anything. hmph....but it dawned on me that I was looking for a clue so I looked again and finally found a note that read:

Follow J.E.D. and the Black Tux

I had no clue what that meant so I called Deepthi back and asked her what that meant and she didn't know. I went downstairs and outside and stood there, all dressed up, not knowing what to do. I went back upstairs and sat at my computer desk and just sat here.

@ 5:40 there was a knock on the door so I went back downstairs. A guy in a black tux was at the door and when I opened it he said "J.E.D. Limo service, I'm here for Roshini". AHA!!! So I left with him and when I got into the car there was another scroll with a beautiful message to me that I won't detail here.

Here's the view of Ed, my driver, on my way to Lord only knows where:

And here I am in the limo taking pictures like I do:

I was taken to Giovanni's On The Hill a very nice italian restaurant where all the celebrities go when in town. I don't have any photos in the restaurant just verbals. When I arrived the valet opened the door for me and said "Hello, we've been waiting on you"....wow!!!! Then I was lead inside to my table and Adima was standing behind my seat all dressed up with the chair pulled out.

He had pre-ordered my wine and appetizers and it was perfect...we spoke for a while and then the bread was brought out. I took bread and then the bread basket was put infront of me and the ring box was sitting, open in the middle of it!!!!!

So I squeeled from the amount of light bouncing off that sucka and then I clapped and gasped. Adima dropped to his knee and asked me again to marry him (again). I said "Absolutely!". We later ordered our food and it was great. We had a wonderful amazing evening and Adima said we had tickets to another engagement!!!!

When we went outside the limo was there again to take us to yet another mystery destination. Here we are on our way:

We took a couple photos outside the Edison Theater before we went inside to watch Doug Varone and Dancers.

Then after the show, which was great, Adima gave me gift that I'll show you later. Here are some pictures of my ring (Zsa Zsa Pinkerella) while sitting in Adima's car outside my apartment.

My gorgeous fiancé *mwah*.

Adima and I afterward in my apartment.

Zsa Zsa in her box

Here's the gift Adima gave me, A jewelry cleaner! Funny thing is I said to him twice that I have no idea how I'll keep this amazing ring looking beautiful and clean and he said he had that covered. Not only this but I can take it to the store whenever I want to have it cleaned.

Here is my engagement ring (on the bottom) with the inspiration ring. My engagement ring is rose gold with diamonds and a pink sapphire. The inspiration ring is silver with marcasite and a pink topaz.